Sample ID is sometimes just a numeric value but other times it's a meaningful ID; preprended "Li2017:" in VARICARTA_Sample when not possible to resolve ID. We're aware that 14 cases in this paper appear to belongto the SKLMG cohort as they share the same ID with the exception of an 'M' before the ID. However, there's 158-184 other variants that fail to match by doing the same approach. Since the overwhelming majority of cases do not support that those are the same IDs, we prefer to avoid merging those until further information is obtained. Below are the 14 cases that do overlap (subject ID may change): target chromosome start_hg19 ref alt subject_id.x sample_id.x duplicates subject_id.y sample_id.y 16274 18 52937148 G A 16741 M16274 FALSE 15222 Li2017:16274 17441 2 166179813 C T 11276 M17441 FALSE 15229 Li2017:17441 17463 14 21862265 G GT 12262 M17463 FALSE 15233 Li2017:17463 18485 2 242066136 G A 16792 M18485 FALSE 15293 Li2017:18485 19628 2 242072401 G A 10881 M19628 FALSE 15314 Li2017:19628 19672 2 166170189 C T 11294 M19672 TRUE 15324 Li2017:19672 19813 1 151402109 G A 11295 M19813 FALSE 15345 Li2017:19813 20272 X 18622983 C A 16704 M20272 FALSE 15352 Li2017:20272 20274 21 38853069 G T 11864 M20274 FALSE 15353 Li2017:20274 20306 11 126314948 G A 16705 M20306 FALSE 15358 Li2017:20306 23243 2 166243497 ATT A 9037 M23243 FALSE 15417 Li2017:23243 23639 10 129913650 TC T 11881 M23639 FALSE 15424 Li2017:23639 27906 2 166245838 C T 17081 M27906 FALSE 15456 Li2017:27906