

These data are free to use for academic and non-commericial purposes. This work is a combination of sources from the literature using previously published source information made public. By using this database, the user agrees not to attempt to de-identify subjects.

Database exports (text/.tsv) Browse current and previous versions of the database exports.
Curation notes (.zip) Zip file containing per publication curation notes (plain text) describing what was done to prepare importing variant data.


Web application Source code for the web application.
Publication import pipeline Source code for the publication import pipeline.


Example import document (.xlsx) Example of an import spreadsheet used for the Neale2012 publication.
Example curation notes (.txt) Example curation notes to go with the example import spreadsheet.

VariCarta: a comprehensive database of harmonized genomic variants found in ASD sequencing studies by Pavlidis Lab, UBC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons Licence